Sunday, January 12, 2014

What are the social issues explored in the book?

Some of the social issues explored in the book are teen suicide, underage drinking/drinking and driving. Teen suicide is explored in the book when Alaska dies and her friends start to believe that the car accident may not have been an accident and that Alaska may have committed suicide. Alaska had many issues in her life that made being happy very hard for her. "What you must understand about me is that I am a deeply unhappy person."- Alaska. She was a very mysterious person, her friends knew about the things she had gone through in her life but she never completely detailed it and she was never let herself be vulnerable even when she told Pudge about it she never really let anyone in. Her boyfriend may have known more but their relationship was never really presented a lot in the book only when Alaska would say how much she loved him. She kept everything bottled up inside which definitely caused her a lot of stress and unhappiness. She had also cheated on her boyfriend days before the accident and it was the anniversary of her mother's death so all of that triggered her to drink then drive and possibly commit suicide. Underage drinking is actually in this novel a lot. Miles, Takumi, the Colonel, Alaska and Lara all drink quite a lot and get drunk together a lot. They live at a boarding school so it's a little bit easier to get away with that stuff and they definitely take advantage. Nothing bad every came out of their drinking and it was bound to happen so when Alaska was drunk and decided to drive I immediately knew something bad was going to come of it. The outcome of the situation was inevitable, drinking and driving aren't exactly the best combination. Especially for Alaska Young. -Jessica


  1. For someone so young to have died of something like drinking and driving is very sad because she had her whole future ahead of her. I think the fact that she was so young made me more upset and depressed rather then if she were older (not to say I wouldint be sad if she were a 30 year old women!) but I don't think she knew what she was getting herself into by drinking and smoking a lot, I wouldn't say it's entirely her fault either though, because she didn't have much of a role model telling her which way was right and which way was wrong due to not a lot of communication with her dad and the death of her mother. Alaska did not have life easy and her death was very unfortunate by Omar

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  3. megan machkouriJanuary 12, 2014 at 9:25 PM
    Something that I wish Jake would've done was, come back to Culver Creek to pay a visit to The Colonel, Pudge, Takumi and Lara, because that's the least he could have done for people who cared about HIS girlfriend.

    Posted by Omar
