
Journal Entry #1
What this book is saying about life is that, when people you really care for die, there is nothing you can do but love them unconditionally and make sure that they are not forgotten because it’s simply the most you can do. Alaska dying was eating Miles up on the inside and him and the colonel were to depressed to live their daily lives. Its okay to grieve and it’s okay to feel sad and angry about a loved one or a friend passing away, but there will come a time where you need to get back on track with your own life, to make you’re loved one who passed away, proud. That does not mean forget them though, some things that Miles and his friends did were pull a prank on “speaker day” in memory of Alaska. Another thing they did was throw cigarettes into a lake that was close to where they all used to smoke when she was alive, saying that they were for Alaska. My personal beliefs are that when people pass on, you become closer to them and in the book I also think that's what they're saying about life because, Miles did admit that he will always love Alaska and I think she will watch over him and heal his relationships and make him a better man because he loves her so much and was always there for her when she needed him.

Journal Entry #2

A person vs. person conflict in this story is between The Colonel and The Weekday Warriors. The Weekday Warriors are kids who are more wealthy then The Colonel and he thinks that they are just a bunch of snotty rich kids who think that they are better then everyone else simply, because they're rich. The Weekday Warriors and The Colonel, Alaska and their friends consider themselves to be at war with each other. On Miles'(Pudge's)first night, the Weekday Warriors duct taped him and threw him into a lake. Miles barley survives and then finds out that the reason he was tortured on his first night at Culver Creek Boarding School was because The Weekday Warriors believe that Miles' friends (The Colonel, Alaska, Takumi) "ratted out" their friend Paul for doing things that were against school rules. But Miles' friends think that's ridiculous because one of their friends was expelled with him. What they did pushed Alaska, The Colonel, Takumi, Miles, and Lara to plan a prank on The Weekday Warriors which would consist of the friends changing their marks on the progress reports so they would be failing and putting blue dye in their hair products. I think that these two cliques will still hate each other for the rest of their time at Culver Creek and that they will probably not keep in touch after they graduate.

Journal Entry #3

One of the biggest mysteries in this book is "How Did Alaska Young Die". I believe that Alaska committed suicide. I think there was build up of anxiety because, she cheated on her boyfriend Jake with Miles and she was probably worried that the person that cares for her the most (as she thinks) will be upset with her and leave her. Alaska died the morning after her mothers funeral anniversary, her friends think that that's where she was driving to the night she died, she might have been sick and tired of grieving for the loss of her mother and maybe she just wanted to be with her again.She was also very drunk when this all happened and a high percentage of suicides among adolescences are a case where the individual was drunk before the suicide. Alaska also said something very interesting before her death, she said "Ya'll smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die"(44). Im glad John Green didn't tell the readers how she died because I think if us as the readers knew she committed suicide it would make our read depressing, so I'm glad he left it a mystery!

Journal Entry #4
This book reminds me of a show that I myself don't watch but my cousin does and she talks about it a lot (oh joy). In the show Pretty Little Liars a couple of girls find out one day that one of their best friends die and the make it their mission to figure out how.Those girls remind me of The Colonel because after Alaska's death he tries to figure out what caused her to drive into a truck and where she was going the night of the accident.


  1. Journal Entry #4
    Hahaha I totally agree with you Omar I'm a huge fan of the show and the scenario is quite like Looking For Alaska's expect they drag it out a lot longer. In both stories, the friends of the deceased become consumed with figuring out the cause of death. Great connection Omar!

  2. Journal entry #1
    I never looked at it that way but I agree with what your saying cause that's what they end up trying to do at the end, make sure Alaska is not forgotten. I think this book says a lot about life, it can be perceived differently depending on the person. And for the record that was probably the best prank ever.

  3. That was probably the biggest social conflict in the book, some of the pranks were so funny. And there rivalry was such a typical rivalry, like the pranks Chip and Alaska would come up with were quite clever. But maybe they'll unite over Alaska's death, you never know maybe just a temporary truce though!

  4. Journal entry #3
    I did the same question and I have the same opinion as you Omar I also think she committed suicide but I never knew that drunkenness could have that been that big of a factor in her ultimate decision, that's an interesting statistic.

  5. Journal Entry #3
    I've read other novels by John Green and I've learned that he always has a lot of mystery in his writing/novels. For the biggest mystery of this novel I agree with Omar, she was probably trying to drink away her issues because as Omar stated it was the anniversary of her mother's funeral so she was feeling very sad and alone and she had cheated on her boyfriend with Pudge and was probably afraid that he would abandon her somewhat like her father did. - Jessica

  6. Journal Entry #4
    Omar made a very good connection between Pretty Little Liars and Looking for Alaska. I personally watch the show and love it! The stories are somewhat different but very relatable with the storylines of the friends after the deaths of their almost in a way leaders. The friends make it their mission to find out how their friend died. - Jessica

  7. Journal Entry #2
    The rivalry between the weekday warriors and Alaska, Takumi, the Colonel and Miles always kept things very interesting and gave the book quite a comedic factor. I agree that they definitely will not be keeping in touch with their rivals after graduation but that they will have a mutual respect for each other because of Alaska's death. Maybe they'll reconnect and pull one last prank at their high school reunion! - Jessica

  8. Journal Entry #1
    I also never looked at it that way, but it all depends on the reader. Although I looked at it differently i definitely agree with Omar and that it grief, moving on, continuing to live your life and never forgetting that person played a huge role in the book. Their prank on speaker day for Alaska was definitely an unforgettable moment in the book. - Jessica
